Celebrating Creative Kids

Every year we celebrate kids all around the world on a special day, in Nigeria that day is the 27th of May. This year, Her Sides will be spotlighting creative kids with amazing talents from the 20th to the 27th of May 2015. 

Each day during the that period, I will put up a post to showcase a child’s creative side either in writing, singing, drawing, dancing or any other special thing your child is gifted in. If you want to spotlight your child’s gift send your entry to hersides@gmail.com before the 15th of May 2015. 

Entries can include a short story, poem, one minute recoding of a song, drama, dance or creative activity. Let’s help our kids’ creative spirit come to life this year as we celebrate Children’s day. Entries are open to kids from 1 to 16years, one entry per child. Email your entry to hersides@gmail.com along with a picture of your child, name, age, school and short description of the talent you are showcasing. 

Most creative entries will be spotlighted on the blog.

Post image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
