
Tired? Hang in there: Embracing Hope and Trusting in God's Making Process.

I am God's Masterpiece, created to display the glory of God, and so are you. We are made in his image, formed in his likeness and equipped with gifts and resources for his purpose. Each person you see walking around the surface of this earth is a part of that purpose, a unique piece designed by an expert craftsman. Each is uniquely chiselled, hammered and hewed for a reason. And it's not the reason we sometimes think it may be - it's a purpose aligned to his will.   In the bible story of Jeremiah, reading through chapter 18, God tells Jeremiah to go on a little field trip to a Potter's house and observe this craftsman at work. Jeremiah watches as this craftsman presses, rolls, moulds, breaks and transforms this clay lump into something beautiful, something uniquely made for use.   "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)  

Discover Something New on a Familiar Path

Have you ever walked along a familiar path and suddenly noticed something you hadn’t seen before? Perhaps it was a new road sign, a freshly repainted house, or a newly opened store in your neighbourhood. Your first reaction might be, "Wait, when did that happen?" New things have a way of stopping us in our tracks and making us pay attention.   This is the essence of Isaiah 43:19, which invites us to pause, take notice, and see what God is doing—something new.   "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"(Isaiah 43:19)   God is calling us into a new season in our walk with Him, one marked by righteousness and truth. He longs to refresh our souls, which have often been left parched by pursuing goals and desires that can never truly satisfy. He offers rest, healing, and wholeness to our weary hearts. But to experience this newness, we must let go of the old.   Here’s how:         Silence the lies of doubt: Often, the d

Discover Renewal and Restoration in the Arms of the Father

One evening, I sat down with my family to read the second chapter of the Book of Joel from the NLT translation. As we made our way through the verses, we paused at verse 25, where we found ourselves caught up by the play on words:  “The Lord says, “I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts.   It was I who sent this great destroying army against you.” The reason we got stuck on this verse was, admittedly, because of a cheeky question from one of my kids: “Just how many locusts are there?” We laughed at the detailed descriptions: swarming, hopping, stripping, and cutting locusts. Each type seemed to add to the gravity of the destruction described. But beyond the humor, the verse resonated with me on a deeper level. It reminded me of how challenges can come at us relentlessly, often in different forms but with the same destructive intent.   After our brief sidetrack, we returne

Aligning Our Plans with God's Will: A Path to True Success

Most of us recite the Lord's Prayer, but how often do we pause to consider the true meaning of this line, ' your will be done ,' and its impact on our lives?   For some, surrendering to God's will comes naturally; for others, especially those who prefer to be in control, it can be a challenge. Yet, God's unwavering desire for each of us is to trust Him and welcome Him into every aspect of our lives, providing a comforting presence in our journey.   In all things, we must learn to plan, work towards our plans and surrender the outcomes to His will. When we keep our minds set on making things happen according to our plans or strength, somewhere between reason and reality, we lose sight of our reliance on God's incredible power.   So, take a few minutes to meditate on this line from the Lord's prayer:   Take a deep breath and say, ' Your will be done '. Now exhale.   Do this a few times, and as you do, allow the words to float a

The Flawless Piece : Trusting In God's Plan

I know the Author His works are flawless Despite the many twists and turns It always comes out great at the end   He's asked me to star in his latest piece I am confident of his plot  And at ease with the themes that will emerge In the play of my life   The storms will rage; the winds will blow In the end It takes me safely to the beautiful shore He intended for me   That's why I choose to follow his guidance And listen carefully to his prompts He wrote the story He knows the best path for me   I trust his words and works He always delivers a masterpiece when he pushes me to take risks I let go and fall lovingly into his hands   I know the Author His works are flawless I trust him with the story he is writing  with  my life In the end, it's all going to work out for my good.  

How to Find Hope and Strength by Remembering Who You Are

As a child and an adult, I love animations. My best friend recently reminded me of Disney's classic, The Lion King, and it brought back many memories and a lesson I had forgotten. One of my most memorable scenes from The Lion King is when Mufasa, the main character's father, tells his son Simba, "Remember who you are." This simple phrase holds a powerful message that is relevant not only to the story's plot but also to our everyday lives.    It's important to remember that our circumstances do not define us; our identity in Christ does.   Our days on earth are like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded—you're bound to hit a few walls along the way! Job loss (I can relate), health issues, divorce, financial challenges, all comes with the experience of living. When you get slammed into a wall, it's easy to define yourself based on your circumstances. This is a dangerous path because it can lead you to forget who you truly are. You may start to be

Finding Inner Peace: Nurturing Divine Connection Amidst Life's Turmoil

Peace, a divine gift from God, is often disrupted by external turmoil characterized by our everyday lives. But maintaining inner peace amidst life's challenges is crucial for our holistic well-being. In my journey, I've learned to cultivate and sustain my peace through connection with God. Philippians 4:6 reminds us of God's surpassing peace, accessible through trust and surrender. God's presence, the assurance of God's companionship, offers solace and joy as we go along our journeys and when life disrupts us. By consciously staying connected to God throughout the day, through mindful prayers, one can experience His comforting presence, joy, and the strength to keep going. You can keep your passion for living ablaze, fueled by alignment with God-given purpose. As you go through your day, week, and even year, strive to keep your peace - guard it so nothing disturbs it. Only a peaceful person can experience a purposeful, joyful life. So, if you seek peace, turn to God