The Ultimate Guidebook

Everyone lives by a code of conduct. 

Sometimes instilled by society and sometimes by family. The reason we allow our lives be governed by such rules is simply to maintain a sense of order and avoid chaos. Imagine if we didn’t have rules governing how we drive and everyone just drove however they wanted. Unimaginable, right? There will be lots of accidents and deaths so we adjust how we drive by the rules of the road. 

For the same reason God has given us a simple rule book to govern our lives and guide us on the best path to success. His word, the bible, isn’t just a book full of rules, it’s a must-read and a must-adhere-to, to avoid accidents and deaths in our lives. Like the signals on the road are there to caution you, the rules in the bible helps you set boundaries and maintain a sense of control on the reins of your life. 

The bible isn’t a book to read for storylines, it’s a book to read and apply. The strength you need in times of trials is in his word, the wisdom you need to raise that child is in the pages of his word, the knowledge you seek to acquire wealth is there too. You have a guide book that can make your life so much easier, don’t leave it stacked in your bookshelf or lost among clothes in your drawer, read the bible, meditate on it, apply it and you’ll have good success.

 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8 (KJV)

 Blog post image courtesy of jannoon028 at
