A Thankful Heart

Appreciation is something we all desire but rarely give, and just like money it really does open a lot of doors. 

Think about it: every time you give little children something and they come back to say thank you, you are more inclined to give them more, right? It’s the same principle for adults too: you give people something, they come back to say thanks, and you want to give them something else at another time. And it’s the same principle with heaven: when God does something for you and you come back to say thanks, he opens the door for more good things to happen to you. 

In the Bible there is a story about how Jesus healed ten lepers and one leper came back to say thanks. It is recorded that Jesus asked about the other nine who didn’t come back to say thanks and blessed the last one that did. In the end, the last leper not only got his healing; he got restored to perfect health. (Luke 17:11-19)

A heart of gratitude opens doors for you, with men and God, much more than complaining or ingratitude. So the next time you are tempted to complain about something that’s not going right or something you don’t have, take a moment to say thanks for what’s going right and what you have. When you turn your heart to focus on the things you are grateful for, God turns situations around to ensure you have much more to be grateful for.
So don’t complain, be grateful.

“The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!” Psalm 50:23
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