Still the Waves - Find Peace in God

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you.”
Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)

Peace is a farfetched virtue in today’s world, where the keyword is swift. We pride ourselves on our high-paced, technologically advanced lifestyle, which has significant positive effects. But as with anything, there are downsides. Unfortunately, in attempting to keep up with this fast-forward world, we’ve lost the art of living in peace.
Many of us are troubled by our very existence. We want everything in our life to happen at the speed of light; patience has become elusive. So because of its breathtaking speed, living comes with new troubles like increased cases of high blood pressure simply because our heart rate struggles to keep up with the rushing blur of our rapid-fire impeccable world. So, if you can, slow down long enough to read the following few lines: God will keep all those who have chosen to keep their thoughts fixed on Him in perfect peace. In God’s loving care, he’s provided for all our needs and wants us to trust him. So please keep your thoughts fixed on him and his word. He promises you peace that surpasses all human understanding. 
We achieve more, love more, give more, do more, and live more when our heart is at rest. But, of course, it’s easier said than done - I get that. With all the demands our way of life puts on us, it’s almost impossible to stay calm. When you think you are done with one issue, another jump at you. And when you’ve finally figured out how to manage your level, you move up to another. But that’s life, and a straightforward way to handle these rushing changes is to find time to immerse your mind in God’s word. Simply put, read his word.
There’s a word for every situation and a healing piece for every instance of brokenness; you don’t have to figure it out yourself. It may be difficult initially, but find the time, still the waves, and calm the raging seas of your mind. Let God’s word serenade you from above with his peace as you trust him with your life and meditate on his word. As long as we remain on earth, trying times will come; but we have absolute comfort in knowing that God’s got everything covered when we trust him.
Now let’s do a little exercise, shall we? Breathe in deeply and exhale! That feels good. It’s an excellent exercise for relieving pent-up emotions, including stress, anger, and anxiety. When I’ve had it with a situation, I tell myself, “Exhale, let it go.”


  1. Right on point! Exhaling all the way. Thanks Seye


  2. Dis is a very big relief. Thanks seye

  3. SOOOOOO True. Thanks Seye

  4. So true! I always say to myself, I need to choose my battles. Everytime I get tensed, I ask myself, is it worth it? Is this a battle I want to challenge? I always find answers in exhaling.

  5. Bolu I agree with you on choosing battles wisely. Many times we are stressed by really inconsequential issues and its so important we learn not to sweat the small stuffs...thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks Seye for making my xmas a memorable one, (i am a winner) God reward and also bless the work of your hands, merry xmas.


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