Assisted Conception
Fibroid, Infertility, IVF and Assisted Conception Techniques
Uterine fibroid is the most common female pelvic tumor. It occurs in about 30%-40% of women and typically
by the age of 50 years in about 80% of women of African
origin whose fibroids are presumably bigger in size/volume and these women have
increased preponderance to have multiple fibroids. It is noteworthy that about 50% of patients with fibroids
have no symptoms, however, some presents with
symptoms of abnormally heavy painful menstrual bleeding, abdominal pain,
pressure symptoms (including urinary and bowel
problems) and infertility. Also pregnant
women with associated fibroids can present with pain, bleeding in pregnancy,
miscarriage, premature delivery, increased operative delivery and debilitating
post-delivery bleeding is not uncommon.
uterine fibroids can be treated by a variety of modalities, for example, to treat
the symptoms, shrink, destroy or excise the fibroid. Anti-fibroid medications
(often with minimal relieve) are available notably hormonal preparations including
progesterone, gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue and rarely RU-486). For
pain relieve simple analgesics (like paracetamol), non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and occasionally narcotics be used with tremendous
benefits. In low resource countries, newer treatment methods that are
cost-effective and can reduce the burden of major surgeries for fibroids are
Traditionally myomectomy with conservation of the womb especially in
women seeking fertility treatments have been the mainstay of fibroid treatment.
Open abdominal fibroid surgery (myomectomy) comes with other complications like
bleeding, infection, removal of the womb and even death in inexperienced hands.
The option to use laparoscopic surgical excision brings many advantages
including shorter discharge time, lesser pain relieve requirements, small
surgical incisions and therefore minimal scarring, it however, requires longer
time, special expensive equipment and expertise that is not widely available. Significant
proportions of women (sometimes with abnormally large symptomatic fibroids)
unfavourably consider removal of the womb as a treatment modality even in those
who have completed their families.
Recent, conservative methods including
uterine artery embolization (UAE) are increasingly been considered to treat
fibroid in few centers around the world. UAE, though is the most significant
therapeutic innovation for fibroids, however, it is not applicable in all
cases, especially for women seeking fertility treatment because of possible
iatrogenic loss of ovarian functions and decrease of egg reserve. Other
peculiar complications including pain, vaginal bleeding, and
life threatening infections do occur not infrequently; furthermore, the
procedure is not widely available and is relatively more expensive. Other newer
and non-invasive treatment options that are largely experimental and therefore
not widely practiced include percutaneous laser ablation, cryoablation,
transvaginal uterine artery occlusion and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI)-guided focused ultrasound. These
treatment modalities are used in selected group of women.
pathophysiological association of fibroids and infertility largely depend on
the size, number and location of the fibroids. Fibroids can be located in the
wall of the womb (intramural fibroids), on the external surface of the womb
(subserosal) or in the cavity of the (submucous). There is significant
association of infertility with submucosal fibroids and after hysteroscopic
resection of the fibroid pregnancy rates can increase by more than 50%.
Appreciable body of research evidence is also available on the significant
association of intramural fibroids and infertility; especially those that are
juxtaposed to and invariably causes distortion of the cavity of the womb (where
embryo implants).
The presence of intramural fibroids can reduce the chance of
an on-going pregnancy in assisted conception by up to 50%. In our centres women
seeking fertility treatments have a wide array of beneficial and cost effective
investigative tests including 3D ultrasound scans and hysterosonogram; and
those with submucous fibroid, Asherman syndrome, adhesions and endometrial
septum or ridges are further advised and are treated by us with hysteroscopic
minimal access surgery (as day cases - not needing hospital admissions) to
ameliorate their chances of conception following IVF treatments. We also offer
open and laparoscopic or minimal access surgery for fibroid. After surgery
majority of these women do proceed to have successful pregnancy outcome.
Written by Dr Lateef Adekunle Akinola, MSc, PhD, MRCOG a Consultant in gynaecologist, IVF specialist and reproductive
medicine & surgery, Consulting at Medison Specialist Women’s Hospital. Contact: +234 7033761764
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