Stumble Free
Have you ever experienced that
moment when you hit your foot against a stone and you start to fall? In those
few seconds, you desperately grapple for anything your hands can touch to keep
you steady, to keep you from falling. In that split second you may feel a hint
of fear or embarrassment, depending on how hard the fall was going to be. Ever
been there?
I have, a couple of times. And at the end, when I got back up, I always
wished I had somehow avoided the stone – or whatever it was that had made me
fall. Wouldn’t that be great, to always avoid a fall? To avoid pain and embarrassment
and always be on top, on track and on the move? It would be awesome!
This morning I came across a
simple secret to keep you from falling. Are you ready for it? Read on: “Great peace have those who love your law,
and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165. Interesting. With all
the uncertainty, twists and turns that come with life, God offers us a secret
to keep us from stumbling: Love his law. That easy? Yes!
So how much of God’s word do you
take in every day? How much of the bible do you read, listen to on the radio,
watch on TV, or meditate on at night? If your answer is “a little”, you have
some way to go before you really lo
ve his law.
We can all attest to the fact
that if you spend enough time with someone or something, there is a good chance
that you’ll come to love it, even if you didn’t at first. So you want to avoid
stumbling in life? Spend some time with God’s word every day. Continue spending more time taking in his
word until you fall in love with everything he says and asks you to do.
Image courtesy of jesadaphorn at
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