Two things you can't do without in 2017

It’s a New Year and a great time to start over with God. 

It’s a good time to set up some moments with God in prayer and in the study of his word. There is no better time to seek the face of your Maker. I can think of a million and one things you may need to ask for – kids, job, spouse, finances and many more. If I could give you one advice in 2017 it will be to seek his favor and help.

The bible text above tell of how God has a time when he does answer our request and it’s in a moment of Favor. He also has a day when he sends help our way and it’s the day of salvation. Since our days are all numbered in his book and only his plan stands, you shouldn’t spend your time with God this year asking for stuffs. You need his favor and help and everything else will fall into place.

So set some time to pray this month, seek the counsel of the All Wise God, read his word and listen for directions before you jump full speed into the year. You need his favor and help more than anything else in 2017.
Have a great year ahead.

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