That's just the way it is

Machines, people and places all have something in common: they change over time. Machines become obsolete, people grow older and places transform. Living or non-living, time changes everything. From the beginning of human life, we experience the beauty of such change. Babies transform into toddlers, losing their teeth as they grow into young men and women. 

The young boy experiences changes in his voice as he becomes a man, and his strength again changes as he grows older. All life transforms over time – nothing remains the same. It’s amazing how we embrace the natural changes around us but resist the changes that life brings into our personal situations. The mother who refuses to let her daughter become an independent woman. The retired executive who refuses to accept that someone else now runs the company. The child who refuses to see moving up in school as a good thing. Everyone resists change, no matter how natural such change is.

The interesting thing is that, resist all you want, change is inevitable. The balance of life will remain. With each passing day and new waves of change, you will gain some and lose some. That’s just the way it is. So if the tides of time turn and transformation is inevitable, as rational people, the only logical thing we can do is welcome and embrace all forms of change. When your child becomes a young woman, let her go. When the time comes, retire gracefully. When the opportunity to learn something new presents itself, go for it. Nothing in life is constant. Everything moves and changes as time passes by. You’ll enjoy more and stress less if you realize this fact – it’s just the way life is.
