The Sparrow Story
“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31 (NKJV)
As a child, I
often heard the story about the little sparrows and how they neither worked nor
worried about anything. I grew up reading the Bible verse about God caring so
much about what happened to these little birds and how, if God cared for things
so small and seemingly insignificant, He cared about me. It was always a good
story to tell little kids, which is why, last night, we read the same passage
from the Bible to our kids. I found myself telling the story just as I was told
as a child. I talked about how God cared so much for us and how our lives are
worth so much to Him.
In the middle of
my story, my son asked, “What does a sparrow look like?”. I reminded him that he had seen sparrows
before “You know those little birds that live in Grandpa’s trees?” I said. He
nodded and said “Oh, yes!”, his eyes wild with excitement. He remembered, and
as he did, the message of the story came clearer to me. For the first time,
this wasn’t just a story I had heard as a child or a Bible verse that I had
read growing up—I could
relate to the passage.
I have seen sparrows
around me for so long that I no longer give any thought to them. They became
part of the fixtures at my childhood home. When I walked around the garden,
they were there in the trees, just being, living for free—free food, free home, free air—and not giving any thought to
their existence. As I remembered the sparrows, the message of the passage sank
deep into my soul: If God cares enough to look out for those little birds that don’t
work, plan, or worry, how much more does He go out of his way to look out for
I turned to my
son and said, “Whenever you feel alone, scared, or worried, remember the
sparrows in Grandpa’s trees. If God cares enough to look out for them, then he
is surely looking out for you”.
And for you too.
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