Making better decisions for successful outcomes

“Pay close attention to what I am saying. Farmers don’t just plow and break up the ground. When a field is ready, they scatter the seeds of dill and cumin; They plant the seeds of wheat and barley in the proper places. They learn this from their God. After dill and cumin have been harvested, the stalks are pounded, not run over with a wagon. Wheat and barley are pounded, but not beaten to pulp; They are run over with a wagon,  but not ground to dust. This wonderful knowledge comes from the Lord All-Powerful, Who has such great wisdom.”  Isaiah 28: 23 – 29 (The Promise)

I like how the verse above starts by saying Farmers don't just plow and break up the ground. It indicates that some thought goes into what they do. Every action the Farmer takes is calculated and for a reason. Nothing is left to chance, and nothing is without a purpose. It is a reminder of how we all need to re-channel the energy we have to live our lives wisely and in line with God's will.

What can we learn from the Farmer's story and his admirable wisdom for planting and harvesting? I picked up on four key things that can enhance our ability to make better decisions and achieve successful outcomes in life.

1. Timing
“When a field is ready…"  Isaiah 28:25

Verse 25 starts with the cornerstone word – When. We've all heard the famous saying, "timing is everything." That comes out so right in the Farmer's story. When the field is ready, he scatters his seed. Not before, not after. One of the excellent skills we all need to learn is knowing the proper time to take action. Some people learn this by experience, others by listening to someone else. For me, I have learned how to read the times by listening to my heart. Call it a gut feeling or intuition. Whether you discern the right time by intuition or experience, knowing the right time is key to achieving your desired outcomes.  You have to always be on the lookout to know when your fields are ready so that you can plant.

2. Action

“…they scatter the seeds of dill and cumin; They plant the seeds of wheat and barley .."  Verse 25

The verse goes on to talk about what the Farmer does. He scatters the cumin seed on the ground, but he plants the wheat underneath the ground. Like knowing the right time, you have to know the right thing to do. You can't stop for a selfie in the middle of a sprint.  Its neither the right thing nor the right time for that if you plan on winning the race. Knowing what to do is uber critical; there nothing as sad as seeing someone with a great opportunity that didn't know what to do with it.  Such opportunities move on to someone else. Be wise, read the times and when the time is right, take the right action for that time.

3. Location 

“…in the proper places." Isaiah 28:25

The Farmer reads the time, and when the time is right, he plants his seeds in the proper places. Anyone in real estate will tell you to think of the location when you consider buying a property. You can't build a mansion in a slum and expect to charge a premium for it. Some plants are desert flowers, while some grow by riverbanks. For each of these plants to flourish, you have to plant it in the right location. You can have the right business idea and pick the best time to start it, but if your customers can't find you, it won't work. Just like reading the time, and knowing what to do, knowing where to do it is critical to your success.

4. Skills

“After dill and cumin have been harvested, the stalks are pounded, not run over with a wagon. Wheat and barley are pounded, but not beaten to pulp; They are run over with a wagon,  but not ground to dust" Isaiah 28: 27-28

As we read on to verse 27 and 28 goes on to describe the action of a very skilled farmer—a farmer who knows what he is doing. The Farmer pounds the stalks of the cumin, and the wheat is grounded but not grounded to fine dust. The Farmer is skilled; he knows his stuff. He has mastered the art of his trade, which is what we should all aspire to. You can only achieve this through learning and experience. To be the best, you have to train to be the best. You can't sit and watch movies all day and hope to excel in your trade. You have to horn your skills over time. Like the Farmer, you have to put in the work to get the desired results.

The wise Farmer's story calls out four things that can help us make better decisions and achieve a more desired outcome for our life.

1.    Understand the time to know when to take action
2.   Take the necessary action when the time is right.
3.   Make sure you are in the right location to ensure it works.
4.   Know your stuff; you can't fluff it.

The story closes out by saying, " This wonderful knowledge comes from the Lord All-Powerful, Who has such great wisdom.” That's comforting to know that if we find ourselves falling short in any way, we can ask God for help. He gives wisdom to anyone who asks. And with his help, we can stir the course of our lives in the right direction to achieve the desired outcomes that God has in his plan.

Recommended reading:

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