Making the most of your time

As humans, we may disagree on many things, but we may all agree that we only have one life, one shot at our time on earth. This thought, though, may cause a sense of alarm for some while a sense of urgency for others. I hope it's the latter for you. Reading through Psalm 90 especially verse 6, I could not help but draw an analogy between the times of the day and the seasons of our lives. 

"In the morning it flourishes and grows up;  

In the evening it is cut down and withers." 

Psalm 90:6

Symbolic, isn't it?


Mornings can be likened to our younger days when it's all about growing up, flourishing, and trying new things.


Like a newly planted seed that germinates and starts to grow at the touch of water and light. If you are young, you are still in your mornings, a great time to learn and explore and discover who you are in God and what his plan is for you. It's a time to sow seeds of greatness by spending time with God in fellowship and giving yourself to the service of God. You're young and strong and at a prime time to invest in the things and works of God. So do that. While there may be temptations to wander off aimlessly and enjoy life, this is the best of times to get your foundations right so you can build a sturdy future. 


Get yourself a good education - lots of free learnings online today. Develop your natural skills and abilities. Expand your people skills and knowledge to adapt to changes. Build a godly network of friends and find a home fellowship or church to be a part of. You have the time to study God's word and immerse yourself in his knowledge. Lay the right foundations for your future.


The afternoon is between the morning and evening—a time when the sun is high up in the sky, very intense. 


The afternoons can be likened to the mids of our life—a time filled with so much pressure. The plant is fully grown now and expected to be producing seeds. The stress from work, raising kids, running businesses, supporting families, doing ministry, and finances contribute to an immersing pressure and heat that sometimes feel like you are standing under the sun's intense glare. Afternoons are when your strength is tested. Faith tried, hope bashed and a great time to run under God's shelter.


It's the time to take all your cares and cast on God. It's the time to mature in your faith and walk with God, where you throw it all down in reckless abandon and say, "if you slay me, yet I will praise you." You say this because you know who you are in God and who he is to you. The God who stays right next to you in the fire. Despite the pressure of the afternoons of your life, stand firm, don't give in to depression, fear or worry, and hold the lines of your faith in place. Continue to build for God and in service of what he has called you to do. Steady your prayer life, and invest in what counts, like your health and family. You are at the peak of your strength - This is it. Make sure you are giving it your all. Keep a close eye on your finances as you look to the evenings when you won't be able to do much but reap the fruits of your afternoon labour.


Evenings are the grey years – the sun is going down, and so is your strength. 


Your body is gradually giving in and preparing to return to its original state. The evenings are unique because as your body withers outwardly, your spirit gets renewed. You have more time to reflect on a life well lived and share your experiences with younger people. You have the wisdom that comes from the years, and you can impact the next generation. Evenings are a great time to deepen your relationship with God and continue in his service to the best of your strength. 


It's the time to look back with gratitude and look ahead with anticipation of eternal life. It's also a great time to pray for others and give. You won't take anything with you when you leave this world; you might as well bless someone who needs the material things you have acquired along the way while you are still here. Get your affairs in other, or someone will do it for you, and you may not like the outcomes. 


The analogy between the times of the day and the season of our life is one we should never forget. No matter what season you find yourself – morning, afternoon, or evening – God is unchanging and will be with you through it all.  


So, step out today with joy, and embrace whatever season of life you are in. Hold on to your faith and give yourself in the service of God. All our life here on earth is small compared to the life we anticipate with God in eternity, so live well and enjoy your days here while you have them. Make every moment count and make the most of your days.

"So teach us to number our days so we may gain a heart of wisdom" 

Psalm 90:12


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  1. Another timely reminder from Her Sides. Thanks for sharing this Seye.


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