The Significance of God's Name: The One That Breaks Open The Way

As a Christian, one way to understand the essence of God is through His name. When I came across Micah 2:13, I was intrigued by the depiction of God as the One who breaks open the way. This verse has become one of my favourites, and I'd love to share my thoughts.  

 According to Micah, God is the One who shatters barriers and paves the way for His people. When I read this, two words stuck with me. The first word is "break," and the Hebrew word for "break" is "Shabar." Micah's portrayal of God as the 'Shabar' refers to Him as the One who breaks through any obstacle in our way. He not only breaks through, he Shabars – breaks, crushes, shatters – every impossible situation that stands in the way of us fulfilling his plans for our lives.
 The second word that stands out for me is more of a phrase, "opens the way." God is referred to as our way maker, which means He will always create a path for us despite when one doesn't exist. He guides us through unknowns, leading us gently to the place of purpose and through any challenges we may face.

 Isaiah 43:16 reaffirms this by stating: "This is what the Lord says—he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters." If He could do that, there is no doubt that He can make a way for us through any challenges we may face. We can be confident that we will never be held back or held down because God will break through any barriers to guide us toward our destinies.
 Knowing that we have a God who makes a way and breaks through any obstacle, how should we face this year? "For the Lord God will help me; therefore, I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed" (Isaiah 50:7).
 As God's own, we should step out with the utmost confidence in God's abilities to guide us through any challenge we may face. We must trust Him and follow His lead, knowing He will help us break through all obstacles and come out strong in every situation.

Step into the year confidently. You are a child of the living God. So move forward boldly, for we have a God who breaks open the way before us.
