The Flawless Piece : Trusting In God's Plan

I know the Author

His works are flawless

Despite the many twists and turns

It always comes out great at the end


He's asked me to star in his latest piece

I am confident of his plot 

And at ease with the themes that will emerge

In the play of my life


The storms will rage; the winds will blow

In the end

It takes me safely to the beautiful shore

He intended for me


That's why I choose to follow his guidance

And listen carefully to his prompts

He wrote the story

He knows the best path for me


I trust his words and works

He always delivers a masterpiece

when he pushes me to take risks

I let go and fall lovingly into his hands


I know the Author

His works are flawless

I trust him with the story he is writing with my life

In the end, it's all going to work out for my good.



  1. Nice one! Love it

  2. Yes, it will all make sense at the end! Beautiful piece!

    1. It really does make sense at the end. The grace to wait is what we need.

  3. Oladapo Kolade Olomu23 May 2024 at 09:28

    Yes! I pray we all have the patience till the very end because this AUTHOR takes HIS time!

    Thanks Seye for the reminder to keep faith, always.


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