Aligning Our Plans with God's Will: A Path to True Success

Most of us recite the Lord's Prayer, but how often do we pause to consider the true meaning of this line, '
your will be done,' and its impact on our lives?


For some, surrendering to God's will comes naturally; for others, especially those who prefer to be in control, it can be a challenge. Yet, God's unwavering desire for each of us is to trust Him and welcome Him into every aspect of our lives, providing a comforting presence in our journey.


In all things, we must learn to plan, work towards our plans and surrender the outcomes to His will. When we keep our minds set on making things happen according to our plans or strength, somewhere between reason and reality, we lose sight of our reliance on God's incredible power.


So, take a few minutes to meditate on this line from the Lord's prayer:


Take a deep breath and say,

'Your will be done'.

Now exhale.


Do this a few times, and as you do, allow the words to float around in your mind. Think about your most recent plans and outcomes. Where did you trust God for his help as an act of surrender, or was it all done in your strength? Did it move as you expected, or did you hit a stone wall?


Here's the kicker: no matter how much we try to move things, they won't move an inch if they aren't aligned with God. He is the God of all times and seasons. He is the creator of all men and has the final say on all the affairs of men.


As we go through our days, months, and years, we must remember that God's will supersede ours. So, pray for his guidance in all you do prayerfully. 

When our plans harmonize with God's, we discover a sense of ease and strength to navigate the path He has set before us. However, when we stray from His path, we walk alone, a journey that often leads to pain. Aligning our plans with God's will brings us a profound sense of peace.


Every time you say the Lord's prayer, pause and reflect on the line, 'your will be done.' Consider your plans for life and ask God to guide you in aligning them with His divine will. 


May this reflection lead you to true success, wrapped in joy and tied up neatly with a bow of peace. May the Lord bless your endeavours and show you favour in all you do.


Let’s say the Lord’s Prayer together:

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Matthew 6:9-13



  1. Taking a deep breath and saying “May your will be done” hits differently! Thx for sharing this life tip!!!

    1. It's been a life saver for me too. Thanks for reading.

  2. I connect to this with the whole of me. Thank you, Seye.

    1. I pray we always align and see God's good and perfect will happen in our lives. Thanks for reading


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