"Try Everything" - A Timely Secret Sauce for Success

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At every stage of life, sometimes you'd look around and feel the puzzles of life, leaving you stumped. You may feel like you are in a maze sometimes. The endless twists and turns of everyday obstacles could seem like you constantly run into walls and dead ends. And since we can't predict the future, we sometimes have to stumble along with our hands trailing the walls as we search for the clues to exit the maze.

The endless possibilities and outcomes of life's choices make you sometimes wonder which road to take. Without a sure roadmap to guide us, I choose to follow a simple concept that has helped my success in many areas of my life; and that is: Try everything. Every thought, every idea, every teeny skill, every tiny dream, every seemingly irrelevant opportunity - Try it!

My secret sauce, try everything, comes from Ecclesiastes 11:6, "in the morning sow your seed and in the evening do not withhold your hands, For you do not know which will prosper either this or that or whether both alike will be good."

The writer invites us to value diligence and embrace all our abilities and the opportunities we get throughout our lives. If our capabilities are like seeds, I would like you to evaluate what you are doing with those seeds in your hands. Are you planting them? – building, developing, or investing in your seeds, or are you letting them rot?

If you are not sure where to start, here are a few tips:

  1. Take a skill assessment to help you identify some of the natural capabilities and some ideas of how to use them. A superb one to start with is the Keirsey Temperament Sorter - it helps you to discover your personality/temperament type and careers you will find satisfaction in as well as excel. You can also try the 16personalities Test

  2. Next, invest in your development. There are many free training courses online today; you should be using your internet access for a lot more than just social media. Take lessons in the areas you crave to develop. It can be through podcasts like TedTalk, free courses on Edx, or YouTube videos, which every way you learn best, start your development today. 

  3. Try getting some first-hand experience either through volunteering or shadowing someone already doing well in the area you yearn to develop. UN volunteer portal is a remarkable place to start finding projects that you can volunteer.

  4. Finally, get scrappy - This is another of my favorite words. Look around you, and you'd find something you can use today to explore your skills and bring them to life. If you can't get that book deal, self-publish. If you can't get the record label just yet, release your single on YouTube. Don't wait until all the stars align and you have the perfect opportunity; get scrappy and DIY your way to where you desire to be. 

"The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.' "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25: 20-21 (NIV)

God finds joy when we take all he has given us, and we use it to honor him. You never know which of your paths will drive you to success, so be diligent, invest in your whole self - every single bit of you.

Keep going; something will work out!


Recommended Reading

  1. Good Times 

  2. Making better decisions for successful outcomes
