God watches us at all times
This week, my family and I read the book of Psalm 121 during one of our daily devotions just before bedtime. This Psalm is one of my favorites because it talks about how much God loves and protects us at all times. It holds a lot of truth and comfort that comes from the knowledge of who God is. When found, this knowledge makes you feel safe and secure in the arms of our heavenly father, especially in uncertain times like this one the world is going through.
Recent happenings have threatened
the world we know and challenge our sense of security. We have seen lots of people fall ill and
others fighting for their lives on death beds as a result of the COVID
pandemic. The aftermath of the lockdown has left families struggling to make
ends meet as the economy goes into recession. Companies have had to do many job
cuts to stay afloat while some other companies have closed up.
Just at the point the
world's economies started to reopen gradually, a new heightened sense of fear
and despair overshadows us as we face another tragedy linked to racial
injustice. No matter what corner of the earth you may reside, recent events
have touched every one of us. Whether
the pandemic, economic downturn, or racial injustice outrage.
While we tried hard to keep our
little ones safe and reassure them, we realized we needed to turn them to
someone who could keep them safe and encouraged. We found these assurances in Psalm
121. As we read the scripture together, we discovered three truths about God's
watchful eyes, and I'll like to share them with you.
Let's start by reading Psalm 121
"1 I lift up my eyes to
the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your
foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore."
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore."
The chapter tells us about the
writers’ need for help as he looks to the hills. In the olden days, people
lived below the mountains to find safety from enemies that may advance against
their settlement. The mountain formed a sort of wall to protect them from
outside attacks. The Psalmist weighs his option at the start of the chapter, as
he considers seeking refuge from the hills or God. He decides to trust God
instead, and then he goes on to say why.
God made heaven and earth and
controls everything that happens in it, which is why we should also turn to God
in our times of crisis. The world we know today may be strange to us but not to
God. He wasn't caught unaware by what's happening today; he didn't doze off. He
created the earth, and he's got his hands on the control.
God is with us at all times.
When you read through verses 5
and 6, it talks about how God watches over you and stands at your right hand to
provide a shade of covering for you. He gives a covering by day and night. Day
and night represent some of the times and seasons we go through in life. Like a
job loss, loss of a loved one. You are not alone; God is still standing close,
covering you with his compassion and love to heal you. You can turn to him at
all times; he is always watching over you.
God is with us at all locations.
When you read on to the first part of
verse 8, it talks about how God watches over you as you come in and go out. God
keeps his eyes on you as you go about your day. He knows where you are and what
you are trying to achieve. God sees you at the bank trying to get the loan. He
sees you as you attempt to tutor your kids during homeschooling. God is always
with you. Even when you don’t feel his
presence, he is with you and will never leave you alone. You can go about your
day with confidence, knowing you are not alone. The maker of heaven and earth
is with you always.
God is with us now and forever.
The last part of the chapter
talks about how God will keep watch over you now and forever. That, for me, is
the ultimate promise. God is not just looking out for you today; he promises to
look out for you tomorrow and forever. So you don't need to worry about what
will happen tomorrow, God's got you, and he will be with you through everything
that life brings. We may be going through a crazy trying time now, but don't
lose hope for your future. You are not alone, not now, not ever. You can always
say God has a plan for me.
Psalm 121 gives us hope of God's
presence and guidance through these trying times. This year has been tougher
than most years we’ve all been through, but stay strong in faith knowing that
God is with you at all times, in all locations, now and forever. Trust God’s
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Thanks for this comforting piece. We all need to be reminded to keep our eyes on God who indeed isn't unaware of all that's happening. Psalm 121 is one of my favorite psalms too!